
Simple fashion “Do’s” all sexy, classical women stick to are as follows:

1) Pick one or the other (chest or legs)

  • Too many times have I seen a woman trying to be sexy by wearing a dress that is cut low and high at the same time. See skin isn’t sexy… the mystery is sexy. If naked skin were sexy then there would be no need to use lingerie in the bedroom. In the public arena (aka the night club) it is best to give ‘em and little and make them work hard to see the rest!

2) Pick reasonable high heels

  • I’m sorry but N.O.B.O.D.Y., I MEAN nobody, male or female, thinks that a woman “walking” in six inch heels is sexy. You, unless you are Anne Hathaway in The Devil Wears Parda, you probably look closely related to a chicken when wearing unreasonably high heels attempting to strut your stuff out on the town. The reason heels are sexy is because they cause a woman’s back to go into a compromising “come-hither” arch. This purpose is defeated when you put on heels you can hardly stand up in let alone walk in. Clue: If you get nervous before you have to go down stairs or find yourself avoiding certain areas of town cause you know you’ll have trouble walking around just throw the shoes out.
  • Best heels ever: Ann Taylor perfect pumps (they are classic, classy, and the most comfortable heel that will ever grace your foot! Plus there are only $200 or less)

3) Nobody can see that little number on the label but you

  • There is one sure fire way to look like you have lost 30 pounds in an instant: buy and wear the right size! These goes both ways:
  • So many times I have see women wearing a size small when they should be wearing a medium. Ladies, when you choose to wear a size to small you will have rolls and mounds, and muffin tops, and all of the other bumps and thing that make you look fat. People don’t see that you fit into a size small (“oh great Jenny there is wearing a size smaller, how fantastic”) they see all the rolls and all the things they don’t want to see (and you shouldn’t want anyone to see). If you go a size up I promise that no one will ask you to show them the size on the label but they probably will subconsciously think you have lost weight
  • On the other end if you have been wearing clothing a size or two too big you probably look like a sail. I have been victim to wear clothes that are too small and too large however, it seems that wear clothes that are too big for you is a harder habit to break. Every woman I know as made this mistake. They think that but wearing a size up they will look smaller. Instead, you just end up hide all your amazing features as well as the not so amazing feature hence you look like a sail.
  • You will save so much money and feel more comfort in the body you are in now if you just buy the size that is right for you and not the size you think you should be or plan on being in 3 months. For the ladies that have trouble seeing themselves in more fitted look because “it’s too tight” take along a savvy and honest shopping partner who you trust won’t let you buy things that make you look like a tent (or swing to the other extreme for that matter).

4) When dressing for an interview or for work please dress like you belong there

  • I have interviewed people for jobs in the restaurant business to retail to non-profits. Let me tell you, I have seen some awful, awful workplace fashion fopas.
  • First: I you are interviewing for a restaurant, please wear closed-toed shoes. Toes are not appetizing.
  • If you are applying to a fashion oriented establishment, please dress up and not just up, WAY UP! Heels, make-up, hair, three well put together pieces (i.e. pants, shirt, blazer/ or shirt, shirt, sweater). Most, if not all retailer, salon, etc., would like to hire someone who looks the part and looks like they could get costumers to trust their fashion sense. Snow boot, crapy jeans, and an outdated puffer coat doesn’t say “fashionable” to anyone in fashion. If you don’t believe me about all this check this out: Ways Your Appearance Affects You Paycheck By Alyson Shontell

5) It is better to over dress than under dress.

  • There is nothing worst than showing up to an event dressed like a schmuck. Don’t be the girl/guy that feels oafish at a cocktail party. Do be the girl/guy that makes everyone else feel awkward for not dressing appropriately and up to YOUR standards
  • Now don’t take this to an extreme… PLEASE! Do not wear a cocktail dress with heels to a baseball game (because I will make funny of you), Don’t wear a ball-gown to a your mother-in-law’s cocktail party… Just say to yourself “DO I look like a million-bucks and appropriate for this event/work/venue/etc…” If the answer is YES than feel free to leave the house, if the answer is NO… hit the closet again! 


February 24, 2011: Image and Getting Paid

This is an article I found about image in the workplace. This short article highlights the need to be well groomed everyday in your workplace.

READ IT HERE: Ways Your Appearance Affects You Paycheck By Alyson Shontell

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