Category Archives: Career

Suits are to Humans as Feathers are to Birds

“Because of the wealth of information a woman’s appearance provides about her fertility and reproductive value, men were predicted to place a greater premium on physical appearance or physical attractiveness than do women in mate selection. Although physical appearance was still predicted to be important for women in their choice of a mate because of its link to health, many qualities that women desire such as resources and status are not easily evaluated by physical appearance” (The Evolution of Human Mating by David M. Buss)


It would seem that most men don’t think that dressing themselves’ nicely is a priority. Science says those men are wrong.

…That is why “pick-up artist” will often call dressing up “peacocking”…

And what is the easiest way to tell status? To give others visual clues? Answer: the way you dress of course.

Status symbols for men are things like nice cars and suits. However, they are also the simple little things like shoes, belts, and watches. These are the little visual clues that let others know if you have money, pay attention to detail, and care about how the way you look reflects in the world. Let’s be blunt here… This may all seem REALLY superficial and vain to many people out there. You may be saying to yourself right now “I could care less about how others view me and how I look.” That is fine if you really have NO motivation to get a job you enjoy, find a girlfriend, or earn the respect of your peers. Cross-cultural studies have found time and time again that when a man dresses well he earns more money, is more respected than his ill-dresses counterparts, and is more likely to attract not only a good-looking mate, but one who is loving as well.  You men might not be convinced that women take note of these things but somewhere in the back of ours head, when we see a man wearing a nice pair of shoes or a Rolex, we think… “Wow, okay… he can talk to me… IN FACT… I want him to talk to me! ” Here it is, plain and simple: most women care about how their mate or potential mate dresses.

Vain? Yes… but it is the reality of our modern situation, one which has extremely limited opportunities for men to show off their status and desirable qualities by conducting kin/tribal meeting or hunting for food.

For more info on this topic I suggest these interesting reads:

  1. The Evolution Of Desire by David M. Buss
  2. Rules of the Game by Neil Strauss (**WARNING… this book could be considered offensive and does contain dangerous information!)

NOW… I AM NOT SAYING that every man should go out and buy a $300 suit, a Rolex, and a pair of Louis Vuitton shoes.

I AM SAYING to invest in a nice pair of dress shoes (they don’t have to cost you an arm and a leg) they just need to look nice and like you care! A great pair is Rockport Evander Oxfords.

I AM SAYING to invest in a nice pair of jeans… ones that you can wear with a dress shirt or a t-shirt like Joe’s Jeans- Men’s Classic Fit.

I AM REALLY SAYING to invest in a few great pieces that will make you look great when you go out, when you go to work, or really just anytime you want to walk out the door.

Image and Your Pay Check

This is an article I found about image in the workplace. This short article highlights the need to be well groomed everyday in your workplace.

READ IT HERE: Ways Your Appearance Affects You Paycheck By Alyson Shontell