Monthly Archives: April 2011

What I Can’t Say About Kate

So the Royal wedding was on Friday April 29, 2011… I bet most of you watched it According to one newspaper about 3 billion people watched worldwide as William and Catherine exchanged vows. All-in-all it was a pretty emotion experience… Let’s just say I cried when Kate started to walk down the aisle with her father… and 4 minutes later I cried again as she FINALLY got to Will at the alter.

…BUT enough of the mushy crap. Let’s talk about the dress.

For me the dress was more than perfect. It was simple and classic and elegant and grand… basically Kate looked like a princess (as every girl should on their wedding day). I can’t say that Kate looked over done, too fashion-forward, or haute (no girl should look like this on their wedding day).

HOWEVER, after my bragging about how fantastic she looked my boyfriend only had one word for her attire “boring.” WHAT? That is right, boring, he said. My only explanation for this is that men think wedding dresses are all boring until it is their bride, their wife-to-be, is walking toward him down an aisle. A wedding dress should ALWAYS be an express of yourself. You should look like yourself on your wedding, a more polished version of yourself. You will probably be boring to most people who don’t know you (as if people who don’t know you will see you on your wedding day), but to the Man waiting for you at the end of the aisle and all the close friends and family celebrating that day with you will look just as you should, perfect and you!

*Okay just to be fair my boyfriend, after he called her dress “boring,” he put down the paper and added “It looks like the wedding dress from the Godfather, Godfather I.” HaHa boys!

To see the wedding (or see it again) CLICK HERE!

Inward and Outward

Sometimes we must look inward to improve our overall outward image. As pointed out in proverbs 31 “beauty is fleeting…” Ones behavior and attitude, rather than their clothes or hair cut, may affect their outward appearance more that perviously thought.

READ: What Makes a Person Ugly? by Dr. Robert Tornambe

Tell me what you think: Can someones personally increase their physical attractiveness?

I was “born” to wear…

This are Born Crown shoes… the latest “caged” look… ultra comfy… NO JOKE! Love ‘Em

Born Crown- Jewell II

The Language of Men’s Clothes- Part Four

Let’s talk about pants this go around. Okay, I have a confession to make before we start, I HATE pleated pants on men! So if this information is bias against pleated pants and you like pleated pants don’t hate me.

So there are three major things to consider when picking out pants other that the fit. They are the style hem, the style of  front, and the pant break.

The hem of the pant can be cuffed or plain. If you are a short man do not choose to wear a pant that has a cuffed hem, it will only make you look shorter and could come off as looking sloppy.

Cuffed Pants

Plain Hem

The Style of the Front of the Pant can be pleated or flat. I think that pleated pants make you look fatter that you really are. They can be worn by tall in-shape men but should NEVER be worn by men carrying a little extra weight on the belly or butt. Men who are short should also stay clear of pleated in my personal opinion.

Flat Front

Pleated Front

The break of the pant is where the hem hits the shoe. There are three types of pant breaks you need to know about; full, medium, and short.

The medium break is the standard, go-to break that most men choose. It is classic and doesn’t take much thought about what shoe you can or can’t wear with pants that have a medium break.

Medium Pant Break

The full break is more fashion forward and is for gentleman who like the a more modern look. As you can see from the picture bellow the pant does not hang as straight and clean on the front of the shoes compared to the medium pant break.

Full Pant Break

The short break is a little risky. It is very fashionable but is only for the man with who is willing to try different styles of shoes.

Short Pant Break

*images found at:,,,,

Outfit of the Month- April 2011

This is no April fools joke… the following is a SURE-FIRE, kick-ass, in season, outfit!


*Marc Jacobs: spring 2011


Tucked into:

*J Brand: Style Martini



*Diesel belt


*Michael Kors- Shoulder Bag


*Michael Kors- Dillon Raffia Sandal

*Garcia & Co. -New Mexico; call for pricing (505)326.7353



*Garcia & Co.- New Mexico; Call for pricing (505) 326.7353




*Note: Click images for more information or to purchase.